go home to celebrate the New Year with one's family
家族とともに記念日を祝う: celebrate one's anniversary with his family 新年を祝う: 1. celebrate the New Year 2. mark the new year 家庭で家族とともに: chez la familli 家族とともに~から脱出する: flee ~ with one's family 家族とともに~から逃亡する: flee ~ with one's family おとそで新年を祝う: celebrate the New Year by drinking toso or spiced sake ともに勝利を祝う: share a victory with〔人と〕 クリスマスを家族とともに過ごす: spend Christmas with one's family 家族とともにそこそこの生活を送る: have a decent life with the family 年を取るとともに: 1. as one grows older 2. with (the) age 3. with one's advancing years 4. with one's increasing years 家族とともに家でくつろぐ時間を楽しむ: enjoy staying home and relaxing with one's family 家族とともに家でリラックスする時間を楽しむ: enjoy staying home and relaxing with one's family 家族と対立して家を出る: leave home as a result of a conflict with one's family 家族と衝突して家を出る: leave home as a result of a conflict with one's family 年を取るとともに変わる: change with aging