- The returning troops were given a rousing reception in the streets of London.
熱狂的な歓迎を受け入れる: receive a rapturous reception
熱狂的な歓迎: exuberant welcome
友好的な歓迎を受ける: enjoy the friendly welcome of〔人から〕
丁重な歓迎を受ける: be welcomed with a red carpet
熱烈な歓迎を受ける: 1. get a warm reception 2. receive a tumultuous welcome 3. receive an enthusiastic welcome
猛烈な歓迎を受ける: receive a tumultuous welcome
盛大な歓迎を受ける: 1. be accorded a tremendous welcome 2. receive a red carpet welcome
熱狂的な歓呼: 1. frantic shouts of joy 2. frenzied shouts of joy
凱旋将軍のような歓迎を受ける: receive a hero's welcome
歓迎を受ける: receive a welcome at [from] the hands of〔人から〕
熱狂的な称賛を受ける: 1. create a furor 2. make a furor
ロンドン市民: 1. Londoner 2. citizen of London
ロンドン市長: Lord Mayor of London
大歓迎を受ける: 1. receive a big welcome 2. receive a great demonstration of welcome 3. receive a great ovation 4. receive a tumultuous welcome
ロンドン市の俗称: wen