- the last month in the year 1
1年の最後の月: last month in the year
冬の最後の月: last month of winter
その月の最後の数日間: for the last few days of the month
最後の最後: very end
_年の最後の_カ月間: the last __ months of __
最後の最後で: at the last second
列の最後の: at the end of the line
人生最後の月に: during the last month of life
劇の最後の幕: final act of a play
最後の最後に断る: cry off at the last moment
最後の最後まで 1: 1. down to the wire 2. right till the end 3. right to the end 4. right up to the end 5. till the last gun is fired 6. till the last moment 7. to [until] the bitter [very] end 8. to the very last pos
その小説の最後の最後で: at the very end of the novel
交渉の最後の段階: final stage of the negotiations
各行の最後の文字: the last character of each line
家門の最後の人: last of one's name