and i know that kids get concussed every year . 毎年子供達が脳震盪を起こすのを知っているからです
for years they tried to have children but failed 夫婦には長年子ができず
maybe it's my age ... うちなんか年子で三ヶ月だから
in 1911 , yoshinaga became a parliament member of kizokuin and belonged to a faction . 明治44年子爵議員として貴族院議員に就任、研究会に属す。
tsunehiro konoe , koreko konoe (the consort of emperor gomomozono and the mother of imperial princess yoshiko/ her style was seikamonin ), and toshiko (the consort of shigemura date , the lord of the sendai domain ) numbered among his children . 子に近衛経熙、近衛維子(後桃園天皇の女御で、欣子内親王の母。盛化門院)、年子(仙台藩主伊達重村室)。
1年子: yearling《動物》 一年子: 一年子 yearling[医生] 2年子のサケ: 1. smolt 2. smout〈スコット〉《魚》 年始状: 年始状 ねんしじょう New Year's card 年始回りをする: make New Year's calls 年季: 年季 ねんき term of service apprenticeship 年始回り: 年始回り ねんしまわり New Year's calls 年季が入っている: stir wise 年始めに神社仏閣に参拝する: visit a shrine or temple at the beginning of the new year 年季が明けた: He has served his articles.年始のあいさつをする: express one's New Year's greetings 年季が明けたら: once someone's duty is done