年間で_ドルの費用を節約する: save $__ a year in expenses 宣伝費を節約する: cut down on advertising expenses 服飾費を節約する: save on clothing costs 経費を節約する: 1. cut back one's expenses 2. reduce one's establishment 3. save on expenses 4. save on overheads 諸経費を節約する: retrench expenses 輸送費を節約する: save on transport cost 食費を節約する: save one's food budget 年間_ドルを超える医療費を支払う: pay medical expenses over $__ a year 冬場の暖房費を節約する: save on heating costs in the winter 多額の経費を節約する: save a great deal of money 燃料消費を節約する: economize fuel consumption 医療費を_%負担する: shoulder __% of one's medical expenses 冬の暖房費を_ドル節約する: save as much as $__ on one's winter heating bill _ドルの医療費を援助する: offer __ dollars of medical aid 油を節約する: save on oil