- Fortunately the opportunity came my way.
幸運にも: 幸運にも [好運にも] adv. *fortunately 〔人にとって〕幸運にも〔for〕, 運よく;[文修飾] 幸いなことには, ありがたいことには(?unfortunately). *luckily [通例文修飾]〔人にとって〕幸運にも, 好都合にも〔for〕∥ Luckily for him, he drew the prize. 彼は幸運にも当りくじを引いた. (見出
幸運にも 1: 1. as (good) luck would have it 2. by (good) luck 3. by a happy chance 4. by a lucky chance 5. by a piece of good luck 6. by good fortune 7. by good hap 8. by rare luck 9. with (one's) luck 幸運にも 2
幸運にも~する: 1. be lucky enough to 2. have the fortune to
私たちは幸運にも、その地震から無傷で逃れた: We were lucky to escape unscathed from the earthquake.
幸運にもする: have the luck
幸運にも免れて: well out of〔困難などから〕
幸運にも恵まれて: abetted by luck
幸運にも成功する: have the good fortune to succeed
思いがけなく機会が訪れた。: A chance came out of the blue.
早めに訪れた老い: premature old age
収入の機会が奪われた失業者: unemployed people deprived of earnings opportunities
教育の機会が平等: educational opportunities are open to everyone
次の機会があれば: if there is a next time
走行の機会がある: have the opportunity to race
万難を排してもその機会を逃さない: wouldn't miss ~ for the world