pose a huge challenge to a wide variety of nations
広範囲にわたりさまざまな影響をもたらす: have all sorts of far-reaching consequences 重大な挑戦をもたらす: pose a serious challenge 広範囲にわたって影響をもたらす: have far-reaching consequences 新たな挑戦をもたらす: bring fresh challenges 広い範囲にわたって大災害をもたらす: wreak widespread havoc 広範囲にわたる 1: 1. cover a wide range 2. range in scope 広範囲にわたる 2 【形】 1. broad-based / broadly-based 2. far-ranging 3. major 4. wide-ranging 労働市場構造に莫大な変化をもたらす: effect enormous changes in the structure of the labor market さまざまな痛みをもたらす: bring various pains 若者たちにさまざまな経験をもたらす: bring diverse experiences to young people さまざまな国家: diverse nations 広範囲にわたる取材範囲: comprehensive news coverage 広範囲にわたること: extensiveness 広範囲にわたるスキル: wide range of skills 広範囲にわたる印刷物: comprehensive set of handouts 広範囲にわたる報告: report of broad scope