- preliminary talk to break the ice
座を和ませるために本題に入る前にする世間話: preliminary talk to break the ice
場をなごやかにするために本題に入る前にする雑談: preliminary talk to break the ice
場をなごやかにするために本題に入る前にする世間話: preliminary talk to break the ice
本題に入る前に: before getting into the theme of
本題に入る: 本題に入る v. reach [come to, get to] the point (見出しへ戻る headword ? 本題)
心を和ませる: 1. melt someone's heart 2. soften someone's heart 3. soothe someone's heart〔人の〕
本題に入る 1: 1. come to the main question 2. come to the point 3. cut to the chase 4. get down to bedrock 5. get down to business 6. go on to the main subject 7. take up the main question 本題に入る 2 touch ground〔議
雰囲気を和ませる: loosen things up
会談の本題に入る: go into the substance of the talks
両親を困らせるために悪い仲間に入る: fall in with a bad crowd to annoy the parents
高校に入る前に落第する: drop out before high school
高校に入る前に退学する: drop out before high school
おしっこをするために茂みに入る: go into the bush for a pee
いきなり本題に入る: go directly into one's topic
の会談に入る前に: before going into talks with〔人と〕