take quite a bit of money to refurbish the building
ビルを改装するには莫大な費用がかかる: take quite a bit of money to refurbish the building 建物を改装するには多額の費用がかかる: take quite a bit of money to refurbish the building ビルを改装するには多額の費用がかかる: take quite a bit of money to refurbish the building これには莫大な費用がかかったに違いない。: This must have cost a fortune. この手術には莫大な金[費用]がかかる。: This surgery is very expensive. ~するには(人)に莫大な金がかかる: cost someone a (small) fortune to 医者になるのに多大な費用がかかる: cost a great deal to become a doctor ~のため(人)に膨大な費用がかかる: cost someone a large sum of money due to 法外な費用がかかる: 【形】 cost-prohibitive 費用がかかる: 費用がかかる v. costly 【S】 《正式》(良質で?珍しさで)高価な, 費用のかかる; expensive 【S】 (物?事が)高価な, 値段が高い, 費用のかかる, ぜいたくな(?inexpensive, cheap)∥ This, he always knew, was too expensive to put into practice. これは実行するには費用がかかり莫大な費用: 1. enormous cost 2. extraordinary cost 3. huge cost そのシステムを維持するにはきっと費用がかかるだろうね。: The system must be expensive to maintain. 副作用のない新薬を開発するにはひどく費用がかかる: It costs so much to design a new drug that eliminates the negative side effects. 荷物を外国へ送るのには高い費用がかかる: It's expensive to send a package abroad. ~するには膨大な時間がかかる。: It requires a great investment of time to