- on an official errand for the city office
客の用向きを伺う: serve a customer
客の用向きを聞く: attend on a customer
役所のお墨付きで: with the government's blessing
用向き: 用向き ようむき errand one's business
実用向きの: for practical use
役所の要求: official demand
実用向きの物: 1. article for practical use 2. practical article
実用向き特許: applicable patent
用向きを話す: tell one's errand
市役所の職員: 市役所の職員 municipal officer
役所の手続き: 1. bureaucratic procedures 2. official regulations
実用向きの家具: utility furniture
用向きを尋ねる: ask someone his business〔人に〕
用向きを述べる: 1. explain one's errand 2. state the nature of one's errand
お役所の隠蔽工作: official whitewash