- His parents moved to this house shortly after his birth.
彼の両親は忙しかったので、彼を祖母の家に行かせた: His parents were too busy so they sent him to his grandmother's house.
程なくして: 1. after a short while 2. quite quickly
富貴の家に生まれる: be born to a life of position and wealth
帝王の家に生まれる: be born [cradled] in [to] the purple
王侯貴族の家に生まれる: be born [cradled] in [to] the purple
王家の家に生まれる: be born [cradled] in [to] the purple
金持ちの家に生まれる: 1. be born into a rich family 2. be born rich
門閥の家に生まれる: 1. come from a distinguished family 2. come from a good distinguished 3. come of a good distinguished 4. of noble birth
彼の両親はマフィアだ。: His parents are in the mob.
_年に日本人の両親の下に生まれる: be born in __ to Japanese parents
家に生まれる: 1. be born of 2. be born to〔~の〕
彼女の両親は、子育てに失敗してしまったと感じた: Her parents felt that they had failed in their parental duties.
生まれてこのかた: 1. in all my born days 2. since I was born
生まれてこの方: in one's (entire) life
不安感が生まれる: make things uncomfortable for〔人に〕