- His support added impetus to her climb up the corporate ladder.
出世の階段を駆け上る: rapidly [quickly, swiftly] rise [ascend, move up, advance, progress, work one's way] through the ranks
出世階段を上る: 1. climb the (corporate) ladder (of success) 2. rise up the corporate ladder
出世階段を昇る: go [move] up the ladder of success
駅の階段を駆け昇った。: I went up the stairs in the station.
階段を駆け上がって来たので息が苦しい: short of breath from running up the stairs
社会の出世階段を上るだけの能力を持つ: have an ability to move up the social ladder
出世階段をばく進した: Bob climbed ladder of success swiftly.
階段を駆け上がる: run up the stairs
出世階段: 1. corporate ladder 2. ladder of success
ジョセフは階段を駆け上がったため、息を切らせていた: Joseph was out of breath from running up the stairs.
夜中の雷の音が恐くて彼女はベッドの後ろで縮みあがった: The sound of thunder in the middle of night made her cower behind her bed.
大股で階段を駆け上がる: stride upstairs
続く階段を駆け下りる: run down the stairs to〔~に〕
階段を駆け下りる 1: 1. run down the stairs 2. rush downstairs 階段を駆け下りる 2 run down the stairs to〔~への〕
駅の階段を駆け降りた。: I went down the stairs in the station.