- She went into a state of delirium after learning of his death.
混乱状態に陥っている: be mired in confusion
狂乱状態に陥る: 1. become frantic 2. go crazy
2度目の流産の後、彼女はひどいうつ状態に陥った: She went into a deep depression after her second miscarriage.
昏睡状態に陥って: in a coma
狂乱状態にさせる: drive someone crazy [angry, crackers, mad, bananas, nuts]〔通常、物が主語〕〔人を〕
狂乱状態になる: 1. climb (up) the wall / go up the wall〔複数形 walls が使われることもある〕 2. climb the walls 3. work [whip] oneself (up) into a frenzy
仕事を失って、彼は極貧状態に陥った: After he lost his job, he fell into a state of destitution.
彼女は彼によってその幻想に陥った: She got lulled into the illusion by him.
彼女は彼によってその錯覚に陥った: She got lulled into the illusion by him.
恐慌状態に陥った人々: people in panic
こう着状態に陥って: in a stalemate
幻覚状態に陥っている人: trip-out〔麻薬?幻覚剤などの影響で〕
あまりの悲しみに狂乱状態になって: in a frenzy of grief
混乱状態に陥る 1: 1. be thrown into confusion 2. fall into a state of chaos 3. fall into disarray 混乱状態に陥る 2 get into a tangle (with)〔~のことで〕
混乱状態に陥れる: throw someone into confusion〔人を〕