Their affair continued through fall and winter into the following spring.
春から冬を通して: from spring through winter 秋から冬にかけて: 1. during the fall and winter months 2. from autumn till winter 3. from autumn to winter 冬を越して春を迎える: say goodbye to the winter and say hello to the spring 彼らのビタミン消費は度を越している。: They are overdoing their vitamin consumption. 度を越して: one's head off ~歳を越して: on the far side of 彼らの友情は20年間も続いた: Their friendship lasted for twenty years. 度を越して~する: go too far in 彼らの音楽は実験的なものから主流へと変貌していった: Their music changed from experimental to mainstream. それらの出来事は彼女を社会運動へと導いた: Those events led her down a path of social activism. 冬を越す: survive winter 40の坂を越して: on the shady side of forty 峠を越している: on the downhill side of it 度を越して飲む: 度を越して飲む v. have one too many (drinks) (見出しへ戻る headword ? 度) 昼間の情事: nooner〈米話〉