They're losing money so fast they'll be insolvent in weeks.
重要性を失いつつある: be of declining [diminishing, decreasing] importance 島民が、価値ある文化を失いつつあるのが心配だ。: I'm worried the island's people are losing their cultural values. タイプライターは急速に廃れつつある: Typewriters are rapidly becoming obsolete. 文なしになる: 1. get down to bedrock 2. go to the poorhouse 失いつつある笑顔: smile vanishing from someone's face〔人が〕 一文なしになる: 1. be cleaned out 2. be stone [stoney] broke 3. become penniless 4. boff out〈米俗〉 5. clear broke 6. go flat broke 7. tap out 世界経済のあり方は急速に変化しているので、日本経済もその波に捕らえられてしまうだろう。: The whole world economic game is changing so rapidly that the Japanese economy will also be caught up in the rapid rates of change. その会社は急速に日本での最優良企業となりつつある: The firm is fast becoming one of the best in Japan. 観光客に対応する施設が急速に整いつつある。: The infrastructure to support visitors is being developed rapidly. あと数週間で紅葉になる: The leaves will turn red in a few weeks. 彼らはミーティングでけんかになるだろうと私は思った: I thought they were going to come to blows in the meeting. 多くの子どもが、自分で遊びを考え出す能力を失いつつある。: Many kids are losing the ability to make their own entertainment. 中国はアジアの主要経済大国として、急速に日本に追いつきつつある: China is fast gaining on Japan as the leading economic power in Asia. いつか報いを受けることになるだろう: Someday there would be a reckoning. 年末にかけてその可能性があるのだが、もしx社が急速に成長すればその株は人気が出るだろう。: If X Company is growing rapidly the way it could be toward the end of this year, the stock will be in favor.