- They are the professionals who have to make decisions about whether treatment may be worth the dangers involved.
危険を冒す価値がある: worth the risk
怒りを買う危険を冒す: risk someone's fury〔人の〕
熟慮して決定を下す: make a decision with great care
考慮して決定を下す: take ~ into consideration when one makes one's decision〔~を〕
話す価値がある: deserve special mention
危険を冒す: 危険を冒す きけんをおかす to brave (defy) a danger
危険を冒す 1: 1. brave a danger 2. go [climb] out on a limb 3. put oneself at risk 4. put oneself out on a limb 5. ride a tiger 6. risk danger 7. risk one's neck 8. run a risk 9. run risks 10. shoot the rapids 11
危険を冒す〔~の〕: 【他動】 risk
危険を冒す人: 1. risk taker 2. risktaker
それには危険を冒して発見するまでの価値は決してありません: That is never worth the risk of discover.
基づいて決定を下す: make the determination on the basis of〔~に〕
念頭に置いて決定を下す: take ~ into consideration when one makes one's decision〔~を〕
それに関して: 【副】 1. thereby 2. thereupon
あえて危険を冒す: 1. fly in the face of danger 2. take the risk
いらぬ危険を冒す: take the bear by the tooth