- The curves of her body stood out in sharp contrast against the black backdrop.
空にくっきりと: in bold outline against the sky
くっきりと浮き立つ: stand out in bold [clear, high, sharp, stark, strong] relief
空にくっきり立っている: stand out against the sky
くっきりと: 1. as bold as brass 2. with bright clarity
背景幕を描く: paint backdrop scenery
彼女の母親ははっきりと「あなたは取り替えが利くんだから」と言った: Her mother told me flat-out that I was disposable.
背にくっつく: move a little more behind〔人の〕
くっきり際立って見える: stand out in bold [clear, high, sharp, stark, strong] relief
空にくっきりそびえ立つ: stand out against the sky
体の曲線: contour
女体の曲線: contours of the female body
背景幕: backdrop
くっきりとそびえ立つ: stand out in bold [clear, high, sharp, stark, strong] relief
くっきりと対照を成して: by stark contrast (with)〔~と〕
くっきりと描かれた: 【形】 etched