- She drives staring straight ahead with her stern-looking spectacles.
真っすぐ前を見る: 1. look straight ahead 2. look straight up ahead
車を運転するために眼鏡をかける: wear glasses for driving
真っすぐ見つめる: look straight at〔~を〕
彼女は、運転するときにはいつもサングラスをかける: She always wears sunglasses while driving.
真っすぐ前方を見る: stare straight ahead
真っすぐにレンズを見つめる: stare straight into the lens
真っすぐカメラを見つめる: look straight at a camera
目を真っすぐ見つめる: 1. stare directly up into the eyes of 2. stare someone straight in the eye〔人の〕
度の強い眼鏡をかけている: wear strong glasses
眼鏡をかけて: with spectacles on
眼鏡をかける: 1. plonk a pair of glasses on one's nose 2. put one's glasses on 3. put one's spectacles on 4. sport a pair of glasses
いかめしい: いかめしい 厳しい 厳めしい severe strict stern austere grave solemn majestic intense (cold)
真っすぐ~を見る: look levelly at
いかめしい男: grim man
いかめしい顔: 1. grim countenance 2. grim face