~の方へと案内する: lead someone down towards〔人を〕 彼女を追って橋へと突進した: He stormed up to the bridge after her. 階下へ[で]: 階下へ[で] downstairs∥ go downstairs 階下へ降りる 彼女が工場を案内してくれるでしょう: She will lead you around the factory. 部屋にいる(人)を階下に呼ぶ: call someone downstairs from his room 階下へけ落とす: kick someone downstairs〔人を〕 階下へ下りてくる: come down 階下へ投げ落とす: hurl someone downstairs〔人を〕 階下へ転げ落ちる: tumble downstairs 彼女を: 【代名】 her 案内して通す: usher in [into] 案内して~を回る: tour someone around〔人を〕 顧客を連れて会社を案内した。: I showed the client around our office. 数字を縦に上から下へと加算した: added the column of figures 下へ下へと深く伸びる: grow deeper and deeper into the ground