- hone one's body to the detriment of one's mind
健康を害して: in poor health
体を鍛える: 1. buff up one's body 2. build strong bodies 3. get [become] fit 4. get in shape 5. get one's body in shape 6. get oneself into shape 7. keep [stay] in shape [fit] 8. shape up 9. strengthen one's bo
健康を害した 1: ruined in health 健康を害した 2 【形】 impaired
健康を害したため: owing to ill health
健康を害した結果: result of impaired health
健康を害している: 1. be not well 2. out of health 3. suffer a breakdown in health
身体を鍛える: 1. harden one's body 2. harden oneself 3. train one's body
身体を鍛えて健康を維持する: get and stay in shape
酒とたばこが彼の健康を害してしまった: Booze and cigarettes have ruined his health.
健康を害して倒れる: break down
つらい運動をしないで体を鍛える: get in shape without the drudgery of exercise
話しながら体の向きを変える: turn as one talks
健康を害す: injure one's health
妊娠中に体を鍛える: stay in shape during one's pregnancy
時間を作って体を鍛える: take time out to exercise one's body