- soften someone's heart〔人の〕
人心を和らげる: pacify popular feeling
心を和らげる歌: dreamy song
恐怖心を和らげる: mitigate one's fear
光を和らげる: soften the light
咳を和らげる: relieve a cough
かゆみを和らげる: relieve an itch
つわりを和らげる: relieve morning sickness
不和を和らげる: assuage discord
不安を和らげる 1: 1. allay one's fear 2. alleviate anxiety 3. calm the uneasy feelings 不安を和らげる 2 quiet one's fears〔~の〕 不安を和らげる 3 1. allay someone's anxiety 2. allay someone's concern 3. ease someone's anxiety 4. ea
不満を和らげる: alleviate discontent
不眠症を和らげる: alleviate insomnia
出血を和らげる: slow bleeding
労苦を和らげる: 1. ease the burden 2. reduce one's burden
単調さを和らげる: relieve monotony
印象を和らげる: soften one's image