destroy evidence related to errors committed during a heart surgery operation
証拠を隠滅する: destroy evidence 警察の捜査が入る前に証拠を隠滅する: destroy the evidence before the police investigation 手術中に起こる: occur during an operation その犯罪の証拠を隠ぺいする: hide the evidence of the crime その犯罪の証拠を隠す: hide the evidence of the crime 自分の行動の証拠を隠す: hide [cover (up)] one's traces [tracks] 関係する書類の証拠隠滅: destruction of related evidence 証拠を隠蔽する: 1. suppress evidence 2. swallow the evidence 関する証拠を隠す: hide evidence about〔~に〕 手術中に: during an operation その証拠を隠すことで事態をいっそう悪くする: make things even worse to hide the evidence 証拠を隠す: sink evidence 心臓手術の合併症: complication of cardiac surgery 心臓手術を受ける: undergo heart surgery 手術中に死ぬ: 1. die on an operating table 2. die under the knife