- people sound in body and mind
心身の健全な: sound in body and mind
心身の健全: health of body and mind
体の健全な人: person of sound body
不健全な人々: unsound people
心身の健康: 1. mental and physical health checks 2. physical and mental well-being
教えの健全な: sound in doctrine
心身の完全な調和: perfect harmony of mind and body
健全な人生観: sound philosophy of life
少年の健全な育成: sound development of the juvenile
最善の健全な科学: best sound science
経済の健全な拡大: sound economic expansion
不健全な人々で一杯である: be filled with the unsound people
心身の健康を損なう: take a toll on one's mental and physical health
心身共に健全な成長: sound growth both physically and mentally
心身の: 【形】 1. physical and mental 2. psychosomatic