- 1. be healthy physically and psychologically
2. be of sound body and mind
心身ともに健全である: 1. be mentally and physically sound 2. be sound in mind and body
心身共に健全な成長: sound growth both physically and mentally
心身共に健やかに育つ: grow up physically and mentally sound
心身共に健康を維持する: maintain a healthy body and mind
心身共に苦労がある: suffer both in mind and body
心身共に癒す: soothe to the mind and the body
子どもたちを心身共に健康な国民に育成する: nurture the development of children into mentally and physically healthy citizens
心身共に壮健な: vigorous in body and in mind
心身共に疲れる: suffer from physical and mental strain
体が健全である: be of sound body
健全であること: wholesomeness
心身共にパニック状態で: in a state of panic both mentally and physically
心身共にボロボロになる: become mental and physical wrecks
心身共に成熟している: be mentally and physically mature
心身共に疲れ果てる: be mentally and physically exhausted