- He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil's martyr.
自らを危険にさらす: 1. endanger oneself 2. expose oneself to a hazard
自ら身を危険にさらす: put one's neck out
身を危険にさらす: 1. expose oneself to danger 2. risk one's skin
危険に身をさらす: 1. expose oneself to danger 2. exposure to a hazard 3. lay one's head on the block 4. put one's head on the block 5. put oneself in danger 6. put oneself out on the line 7. subject oneself to danger
喫煙や過度の飲酒のような健康を危険にさらすことをする: have health risk behaviors such as smoking and excessive drinking
危険にさらすこと: imperilment
我が身を危険にさらす: place oneself at risk
自分の身を危険にさらす: put one's neck on the line
あえて危険に身をさらす: stick one's neck out
死の危険に身をさらす: expose oneself to the danger of death
進んで危険に身をさらす: 1. place one's head in the lion's mouth〔 【直訳】 頭をライオンの口の中に入れる〕 2. put one's head in the lion's mouth〔 【直訳】 頭をライオンの口の中に入れる〕
自らをささげること: self-dedication
自分の行動によって自らを危険にさらす: put oneself at risk by one's behavior
健康を危険にさらすような行動を取る: adopt a health risk behavior
…することで~を危険にさらす: endanger ~ by