We have many loyal workers and don't have a high turnover rate.
誠実な人材が多いので離職率は高くない: We have many loyal workers and don't have a high turnover rate. 勇気と忠誠心のある者は、困難を困難とも思わない。: To a brave and faithful man nothing is difficult. 忠誠心のあつい: 【形】 stalwart 忠誠心の表明: profession of loyalty 欠席が多いので: due to one's many absences 離職率: 1. attrition rate 2. job separation rate / rate of job separation 3. job turnover 4. labor turnover rate 5. personnel turnover 6. separation rate 7. turnover 8. turnover rate 二心のある人: ambidexter この方法は高くつくことが多い: This method can often come at a price. 教養のある人材: cultivated human resources 滞納している税金を払う余裕が一番ある人ほど、名前を挙げられるという不面目を被るのに耐えられない場合が多いのです。: Often people who can most afford to pay their back tax can least afford the embarrassment of naming names. 自分の会社に対する忠誠心が全くない: feel no particular loyalty to one's company 忠誠の義務のある人: allegiant 信仰心のある人: religiously-disposed man 克己心のある人: 克己心のある人 n. a self-denying person. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 克己) 忠誠心: 1. feelings of loyalty 2. loyal sentiment