suspect ~ based on a patient's symptoms and the physical examination findings
患者の症状と素因に基づいて: based on a person's symptoms and predisposing factors 原因は他の病気ではないかと推測する: suspect that other diseases may be causing〔~の〕 経験に基づいて推測する: make an educated guess 推測する〔手持ちの知識に基づいて〕: 【自動】 speculate その症状に基づいて~を疑う: suspect ~ on the basis of its symptoms 症状に基づいて仮の診察をする: make a tentative diagnosis based on the symptoms 症状に基づいて取りあえずの診察をする: make a tentative diagnosis based on the symptoms 症状に基づいて仮の診察を行う: make a tentative diagnosis based on the symptoms その症状に基づいて~の疑いをかける: suspect ~ on the basis of its symptoms 症状に基づいて: on the basis of symptoms 胸部x線に基づいて患者の反応を評価する: evaluate the patient's response using chest x-rays 検査所見だけに基づいて~と診断する: diagnose ~ based on the examination findings alone 症状に基づいて取りあえずの診察を行う: make a tentative diagnosis based on the symptoms 夢ではないかと身をつねる: pinch oneself to make sure that one is not dreaming 推測や憶測に基づいて: on the basis of speculation or surmise