- A villain hit Mrs. Wimple and ran away with her money.
金庫の金をすべて持って逃げる: fly the coop with all the cash in the safe
彼は、その泥棒の頭を殴りつけた: He clouted the robber on his head.
殴りつける: 殴りつける なぐりつける to beat (someone in battle)
現金を持って逃げる: run off with cash
金をさらって逃げる: make off with one's money
殴りつける 1: 1. bash about 2. get in someone's eye 3. give a beating 4. knock someone block off〈俗〉 5. lay on 殴りつける 2 【他動】 1. bash 2. snot 殴りつける 3 1. give someone a whacking 2. run up the side of someone's he
金持ちの金を盗んで貧乏人を助ける: rob the rich of their money to help the poor
切って逃げる: cut oneself free〔体を縛られているロープを〕
取って逃げる: abscond with〔~を〕
持って逃げる: 1. abscond with 2. run away with 3. run off with〔~を〕
ウィンドウサンプル: window dummy
財布の金を盗む: go into one's wallet and take out
サムにあばずれと呼ばれたので、サリーは彼の顔を殴りつけた: Sally punched Sam in the face when he called her a bitch.
裕福な人々の金を盗んで貧乏人を助ける: rob the rich of their money to help the poor
散々殴りつける 1: rip someone a new asshole〈卑〉 散々殴りつける 2 beat up〔人を〕