The digital divide is widening at lower income levels.
デジタルディバイドは低所得層で広がりつつある: The digital divide is widening at lower income levels. 広がりつつある反感: widening hostility 広がりつつある現象: growing phenomenon 広がりつつある疑惑: widespread skepticism 広がりつつある経済関係: expanding economic ties 広がりつつある認識: growing recognition 最も急速に広がりつつある麻薬: fastest-growing illegal drug 運動は拡大し続け、国中に広がりつつある。: The movement has continued to grow and spread throughout the country. 森林についての関心はますます広がりつつある。: The concern about forests is becoming more and more widespread. 中低所得層: lower and medium income groups 低所得層: 1. low-income population 2. lower income bracket 3. lower income group 4. lower-income class 最低所得層: 1. lowest income bracket 2. lowest income groups 下がりつつある利率: falling interest rate 所得格差の広がり: widening of the income gap 減りつつある~: a dwindling number of〔数量が〕