情状酌量の余地はない: leave no room for leniency 情状酌量の余地はない。 There is no room for leniency 情状酌量の余地はほとんどない: leave little room for leniency 情状酌量の余地がないと判断する: find no grounds for clemency セクハラに対し情状酌量の余地を持たない: have zero tolerance for sexual harassment 情状酌量の余地がなかった: There were no circumstances to mitigate the crime. 情状酌量の嘆願: plea for leniency 情状酌量の理由: grounds for extenuating circumstances 妥協の余地はない: There's no room for compromise 弁明の余地はない: not have any excuse 弁解の余地はない: not have any excuse 疑いの余地はない。: There is no room for doubt. 選択の余地はない: 1. be out of option〔通例複数形の options を用いる〕 2. have only one choice 情状酌量の理由が見当たらない: find no grounds for extenuating circumstances 情状酌量: 情状酌量 じょうじょうしゃくりょう taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration 情状酌量 1: 1. extenuation 2. leniency 3. mitigating circumstances 4. taking extenuating circumstances into account [consideration] 情状酌量 2 mercifulness〔法に携わる人や裁判所などが示す寛大さ〕