大きな危険を伴う: assume great risk 感情的対立: 1. emotional confrontation 2. emotional standoff 高い危険性を伴う: involve a high degree of risk そのシステムを採用するという大きな危険を冒す: run the grave risk of adopting the system 容認し難い危険性を伴う: involve an unacceptable degree of risk 大きな危険: profound danger という大きな夢を抱く: hold the ambitious dream that〔that以下〕 ガシャンという大きな音: loud crashing noise ドシンという大きな音: massive thumping sound 宿題という大きな苦痛: homework agony 容認し難い危険性を伴う投資: investment with an unacceptable degree of risk 労使間の感情的対立: clash of personalities between employee and employer 師と弟子の感情的対立: clash of personalities between master and apprentice 師弟間の感情的対立: clash of personalities between master and apprentice という危険性を無視する: ignore the risk that〔that以下〕