- Our working conditions have improved.
移民労働者の労働条件を改善する: improve working conditions for immigrant workers
改善された: 【形】 1. improved 2. punched-up〈米俗〉 3. reformed
話し合いの後、私たちの関係は改善された: After the discussion, our relationship turned for the better.
パートタイム労働者の労働条件を改善する: better the working conditions of part-time workers
労働条件の改善: 1. amelioration of working conditions 2. improvement in working conditions 3. improvement of working conditions
男女間の労働条件の格差: gap in working conditions between the sexes
改善された履行: improved implementation of〔~の〕
改善された技術: 1. improved techniques 2. improved technology
労働条件の改善を認める: concede better working conditions
労働条件を改善する: 1. better working conditions 2. improve one's working conditions 3. reform working conditions
労働条件改善を叫ぶ: cry for an improvement in working conditions
1980年代以来、事態は改善されている。: Things have improved since the 1980s.
労働条件: 労働条件 ろうどうじょうけん working conditions
恵まれた労働条件で働く: work under good working conditions
改善された経済見通し: improved economic outlook