- declaration of martial law
戒厳令の中止: suspension of martial law
戒厳令の施行: imposition of martial law
戒厳令を布告する: declare martial law
戒厳令の恋人たち: 【映画】 Escape To Love〔米1982〕
戒厳令: 戒厳令 かいげんれい martial law
戒厳令政権: martial law government
クーデターで政権を取って戒厳令を布告する: promulgate martial law after taking power in a coup
戒厳令を敷く: 1. introduce martial law 2. invoke martial law 3. place under martial law 4. proclaim martial law 5. put under martial law
戒厳令を解く: lift martial law
戒厳令司令官: administrator of martial law
戒厳令が敷かれて: with the institution of martial law
戒厳令を廃止する: end martial law
戒厳令下にある: be under martial law
戒厳令下に置く: place under martial law
大赦の布告を行う: proclaim an amnesty (for)〔人に〕