- War often produces advances in technology.
科学技術の進歩: 1. advancement of science and technology 2. advancements in science and technology 3. advances in technology 4. progress of science and technology 5. technological advancement
最近の科学技術の進歩: technological advances of recent years
科学技術の近年の進歩: recent advances in technology
近年の科学技術の進歩: technological advances of recent years
高度科学技術の進歩: breakthrough of the high technology
科学技術の進展: progress in science and technology
科学技術の進歩に伴う問題: issues accompanying the advance of science and technology
科学技術の進歩の大部分を無駄にする: render most of the advances in science and technology useless
輝かしい科学技術の進歩の裏で: behind the glorious progress of science and technology
科学技術の成果を生み出す: create scientific and technological achievements
技術の進歩: 1. advance in technology 2. advance in the art 3. growth in skills 4. technical advance 5. technological advancement 6. technological improvement
科学技術の進歩の大部分を無益なものにする: render most of the advances in science and technology useless
科学技術の驚異的な進歩: remarkable progress of science and technology
科学技術の進展を促す: encourage the advance of science and technology
科学技術の: 【形】 technological