The announcement that war had started set off a huge selling frenzy in the stock market.
大量の売り注文: heavy selling 株式市場急落の引き金となる: trigger a sharp fall in the stock market 店に新製品の注文が殺到した: The shop had a rush on the new product. 世界中から注文が殺到しているため: owing to the flood [rush] of orders from all over the world 注文が殺到する: receive a rush of orders 引き金となる: act as a trigger 注文が殺到しており弊社の在庫は底を突きそうな状況です: Orders are rushing in and our stock has been nearly exhausted. 運転が開始される: 1. be placed in operation 2. be put in service 3. be started 彼が殺されたといううわさが広まった: A rumor got about that he had been murdered. まだ開発が開始されたばかりである: be in an early phase of development 開発が開始されたばかりである: be in an early phase of development 株式市場での戦略: stock-market strategy 株式市場での投機: speculation on the stock market 株式市場での投資: stock-market investment 株式市場での損失: stock market loss