計画的かつ重点的に: in a well-planned and emphasized manner 政策措置を迅速かつ重点的に推進する: promote policy measures rapidly and intensively 迅速かつ重点的に実施される: be implemented expeditiously and intensively 広範かつ具体的に再検討を行う: make broad and specific reviews 重点的に行う: concentrate heavily on〔~を〕 関する戦略的かつ政策的な見直しを行う: conduct strategic and policy review concerning〔~に〕 重点的かつ効果的に協力する: provide focused and efficient cooperation to〔~を〕 検討を行う 1: provide further insights into 検討を行う 2 make [conduct, carry out] a study (on [of])〔~の〕 最先端の戦略的研究分野を重点的に取り組む: focus on most advanced strategic research areas 根を下ろした構造的かつ戦略的な問題: structural, strategic problem rooted in〔~に〕 現実的かつ重大な問題: real and serious problem for〔~にとって〕 重点的に: 重点的に じゅうてんてきに mainly 戦略的思考を行う: engage in strategic thinking 総合的かつ効果的に労働行政を行う: implement labor administration comprehensively and efficiently 承認に向けて検討を行う: move toward recognition of〔~の〕