所得申告書を提出する: submit one's income declaration 所得申告: 1. declaration of income 2. tax return 所得申告書: 1. income declaration 2. tax return form 例年の所得申告: annual tax return 個人の所得申告: personal tax return 税申告の提出を怠った場合の罰金: penalty for failure to file a tax return 法人税確定申告書の提出: filing of final return on corporation tax 申告書の提出を怠たる: fail to file a return 生ものにつきお早めにお召し上がりください。: Perishable. Please consume it immediately.《掲》 未申告の: 【形】 undeclared 無申告の: 【形】 undeclared 早めに: 1. ahead of time 2. in good season 入札の提出: submission of tenders 書証の提出: profert 書類の提出: document production《法律》