所得税の課税最低限: minimum level of taxable income 課税最低限度: minimum taxable ceiling 所得税の課税: imposition of income tax 個人所得の課税最低限を引き下げる: reduce the lowest taxable income for individuals 課税最低限: 1. lowest taxable limit 2. tax threshold 個人所得の課税最低額: minimum taxable level of personal income 課税最低所得: minimum taxable income 個人所得の課税最低額を引き下げる: lower the minimum taxable level of personal income 課税最低限の引き下げ: lowering the tax exemption limit on incomes 減税制度の適用を受けた人の課税最低限を大きく引き上げる: raise the upper income limit for eligibility for the tax break to a very high level 最低限度額_ドルの保険: insurance with minimum retained limits of $__ 課税最低額: 1. tax floor 2. taxation threshold 連邦所得税の最低課税率を_%から_%に引き下げる: cut the bottom rate of federal income tax from __% to __% 課税最低所得の引き下げを行う: lower the minimum level of taxable income 課税最低所得を引き下げる: lower the minimum taxable income threshold