天井に手のひらを押し付ける: press one's palm against the ceiling
ひじで(人)を押しのける: elbow someone out of the way
手のひらで~をこする: do some rubbing on ~ with one's palm
押しのける 1: 1. crowd out 2. cut out 3. drive out 4. edge out 5. elbow off 6. push aside 7. push away 8. push back 9. shove aside 10. wedge away 押しのける 2 【他動】 1. dislodge 2. jostle 3. shove 4. shunt 押しのける 3 1
手のひらを~に向ける: palm towards
手のひらで軽くたたく: bat ~ lightly with one's open hand
湿っぽい手のひらで: with damp palms
顔を手のひらで包み込む: cup one's face in someone's hands〔~の〕
人込みを押しのけるようにして進む: shoulder one's way through the crowd
共和党の対立候補を押しのける: sweep aside the Republican challenger
周囲に押しのける: displace ~ to the periphery〔~を〕
周辺に押しのける: displace ~ to the periphery〔~を〕
肩で押しのける: 1. shoulder someone aside [away] 2. shove someone with one's shoulder〔人を〕
脇に押しのける: bump aside〔~を〕
手のひら: 手のひら てのひら palm (of one's hand)