- outlaw handheld cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] use in cars [automobiles]
運転中の携帯電話の使用を禁止する: ban the use of cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones] while driving
車での携帯電話の使用を規制する: put [place] restrictions on cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones] in cars [automobiles]
手持ち式の携帯電話: handheld (mobile) phone [telephone]
携帯電話の使用を一部禁止する: ban some cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] use
飛行機内での携帯電話の使用: cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] use in planes
運転中の携帯電話の使用: 1. cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] use while driving 2. usage of a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] while driving 3. use of cellular telephones while driving 4. use of handhel
携帯電話の使用: cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] use
電車での携帯電話使用について注意する: warn someone for using someone's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] on the train
私たちの学校では、教室での携帯電話の使用は許可されていない: Our school doesn't permit us to use cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] in the classroom.
電車の中で携帯電話の使用を控える: refrain from using one's mobile [portable phone] on the train
ドライバーの携帯電話使用を制限する: restrict drivers' use of cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones]
使用を禁止する: bar the use of〔~の〕
銃器の携帯を禁止する: ban the carrying of firearms
携帯電話の使用制限: restriction on the use of cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones]
あらゆる毒ガスの使用を禁止する: outlaw the use of all poison gases