投票で選ぶ: 1. choose by a ballot 2. elect by ballot
aをbに選ぶ: choose A as B
投票で(人)を選出する: elect someone by ballot
直接投票で大統領を選ぶ: vote directly for president
~に選ぶ: elect someone to〔人を〕
決選投票で(人)に僅差で勝つ: edge someone in the runoff
決選投票で(人)に辛勝する: edge someone in the runoff
国会で(人)を首相に選ぶ: nominate someone prime minister in the Diet
住民投票で: in the referendum
国民投票で: 1. by plebiscite 2. by referendum 3. in the referendum
投票できる: 【形】 votable
無投票で: 1. without a contest 2. without voting
発声投票で: by acclamation
複合投票で: across the board〔単勝式(win)、2着払い複勝式(place)、複勝式(show)のすべてに一度に賭ける方法〕《競馬》
記名投票で: by open ballot