The protesters hurled fist-size stones at the riot police.
こぶし大の石: 1. fist-sized rock 2. fist-sized stone めがけて投げる: chuck at〔~を〕 握りこぶし: 1. a bunch of fives〈俗〉 2. clenched fist 3. clenched hand 4. fist 両握りこぶし: deuce of clubs 口論をした際、彼は握りこぶしで妻を殴った: He battered his wife with his fists when they had an argument. 握りこぶし徴候: 握りこぶし徴候 clenched fist sign[医生] 握りこぶし歩行: 握りこぶし歩行 knuckle walking[医生] 両握りこぶしを宙にたたきつける: punch fists into the air〔喜びのしぐさ〕 握りこぶしを手のひらにたたきつける: pounds her fist into her palm 顔をめがけてこぶしを振る: shake one's fist in someone's face〔人の〕 石を投げつける 1: fire a rock 石を投げつける 2 1. hurl stones at 2. pelt stones at〔~に〕 石を投げつける 3 1. pelt someone with stones 2. sock someone with a stone〔人に〕 石を投げつける〔~に〕: 【他動】 1. lapidate 2. stone 石を投げつける人: stoner 握りこぶしを押し付ける: press the clenched fist against〔~に〕 私たちは、車に石を投げつけた少年を捕まえた: We caught the boy who threw a stone at our car.