- rub one's fingers across one's forehead
犬を撫でる: pat a dog
猫を撫でる: stroke a cat
頭を撫でる: 1. pat someone on the head 2. stroke someone's head〔人の〕
あごを撫でる: 1. rub one's chin 2. stroke one's chin
お尻を撫でる: stroke someone's bottom〔人の〕
ほおを撫でる: stroke someone's cheek〔人の〕
上唇を撫でる: stroke one's upper lip
子猫を撫でる: stroke a kitten
髪を撫でる 1: smooth one's hair down 髪を撫でる 2 stroke someone's hair〔人の〕
うなじを撫でる: stroke one's neck〔人の〕
口ひげを撫でる: stroke one's mustache〔考え事をしているとき、落ち着かないときなどの癖〕
愛情込めて~を撫でる: pat ~ fondly
犬の頭を撫でる: pat a dog on the head
猫の毛を撫でる: stroke a cat's fur
馬の鼻面を撫でる: 1. rub a horse's nose 2. stroke a horse on the muzzle