掃除しづらい隅: tough corners
暗い部屋の隅: obscure corner of the room
訳しづらい: difficult to translate
部屋の隅で: at the edge of the room
部屋の隅に: in the corner of a room
判読しづらい: 【形】 hieroglyphic
定義しづらい: be challenging to define
計測しづらい: be difficult to gauge
今すぐ、あなたの汚い部屋を掃除しなさい: Clean that dirty room of yours right now.
到達しづらい場所: hard-to-reach place
理解しづらい本: hard-to-understand book
理解しづらい言葉: 1. fuzzword 2. the language of the Potomac〔 【語源】 Washington, D.C. はポトマック川の近くにある〕
発音しづらい音: tongue teaser
鼻呼吸がしづらい: have trouble breathing through the nose
部屋の隅で眠る: sleep in the corner of a room