- The contagious disease kept the patient away from others.
接触伝染病: 1. contagion 2. highly contagious disease
平和的なデモ参加者たちが、一般の人々から隔離された。: The peaceful demonstrators were segregated from the rest of the public.
接触伝染病恐怖症: tapinophobia
その接触伝染病は、瞬く間に広まった: The contagion spread easily.
隔離された: 【形】 1. incommunicado 2. isolated 3. secluded 4. segregated
接触伝染: 接触伝染 せっしょくでんせん contagion
接触伝染性: 接触伝染性 contagiousness[医生]
支持者は隔離され、拘束された: Supporters were segregated and fenced in.
伝染病の: 【形】 pestiferous
隔離された世界: 1. isolated world 2. secluded world
隔離された状況で: in an isolated circumstance
接触伝染性の: 【形】 prosodemic
確認された伝染病: confirmed infection
伝染病患者: 1. case of infectious disease 2. contagious disease patient 3. patient with an infectious disease
隔離された場所から脱走する: break out of one's seclusion