援助を申し出る 1: 1. offer (one's) assistance 2. offer aid 3. proffer to assist 援助を申し出る 2 1. offer one's help (for) 2. step forward (to)〔~に〕 援助を申し出る 3 offer to assist in〔~への〕 援助を申し出る 4 offer someone help〔人に〕
経済援助を申し出る: make an offer of economic assistance to〔~に〕
財政的援助を申し出る: offer financial aid
かなりの経済援助を申し出る: offer substantial economic aid
大幅な経済援助を申し出る: offer substantial economic aid
戦争孤児への援助を申し出る: offer assistance to the war orphans
予想されるアフガニスタンからの大量難民への援助を申し出る: offer assistance to the anticipated flood of refugees from Afghanistan
仲直りを申し出る: initiate the reconciliation〔先に〕
保証を申し出る: offer guarantee
保護を申し出る: offer protection to〔~に〕
値引きを申し出る: offer sizable discounts to〔~にかなりの〕
値段を申し出る: submit a quotation
償いを申し出る: offer atonement
割引を申し出る: offer a discount
割引率を申し出る: quote discount