- bring an action for damages
損害賠償請求訴訟: 1. damage suit 2. damages case 3. suit for damages
対して_ドルの民事上の損害賠償請求訴訟を起こす: file a $__ civil damage suit against〔~に〕
損害賠償請求を提出する: enter one's claim for compensation
賠償請求訴訟: redress suit
訴訟を提起する: bring an action to the court
損害賠償請求: 1. claim for damage 2. request for indemnity 3. sue for compensatory damages
対して_ドルの損害賠償請求の訴訟を起こす: file for $__ in damages from〔~に〕
国家賠償請求訴訟: 国家賠償請求訴訟 lawsuit for state redress
損害賠償請求をする: lodge a claim (against)〔~に対して〕
損害賠償請求書: claim paper
損害賠償請求権: 1. right to claim compensation for damage 2. right to damages 3. right to demand compensation for damage 4. right to seek damages
慰謝料の損害賠償請求: recovery of pain and suffering damages〔苦痛に対する〕
損害賠償請求の有効性: validity of a claim
損害賠償請求の正当性: validity of a claim
損害賠償請求権放棄書: waiver of responsibility