裁判所はわれわれに懲罰的損害賠償金の支払いを命じた: The court ordered us to pay punitive damages. 損害賠償金として計約_ドルの支払いを命じる: order ~ to pay approximately $__ in damages〔人に〕 対する損害賠償金約_ドルを求める: seek roughly $__ in compensation for〔~に〕 損害賠償_ドルの支払いを命じる: award someone damages of $__〔人に〕 高額の賠償金の支払いを迫る: exact heavy reparations 即座の支払いを求める: demand immediate payment 約定損害賠償額の支払い: payment of liquidated damages 特許侵害に対して_ドルの損害賠償金を求める: demand __ dollars in damages for patent violations by〔~による〕 損害賠償と謝罪を求める: seek damages and apologies from〔~から〕 損害賠償金: 1. compensation for damage 2. compensation payment 3. monetary damages 4. monetary recovery ~の損害賠償金を支払う: pay restitution for 受けた被害の損害賠償を求める: seek compensation for injuries caused by〔~で〕 合計_ドルの損害賠償を求める: demand a total of approximately $__ in compensation from〔~に〕 対して_ドルの損害賠償を求める: demand $__ in compensation for〔~に〕 対する損害賠償を求める訴訟: suit seeking compensation for〔~に〕