- operating section of income statement
営業損益計算書: business statement
企業損益計算書: corporate earnings statements
損益計算書: 損益計算書 そんえきけいさんしょ profit and loss statement
区分損益計算書: 1. classified income statement 2. multiple-step income statement 3. multistep income statement 4. sectional income statement
事業損益計算: underwriting profit and loss account
単一区分損益計算書: single-step income statement
損益計算書の補足資料: supplementary income statement information
中間損益計算書: interim income statement
予定損益計算書: forecast income statement
包括損益計算書: all-inclusive income statement
単独損益計算書: nonconsolidated statement of income
合併損益計算書: 1. combined income statement 2. combined profit and loss statement
年度損益計算書: annual income statement
年次損益計算書: annual income statement
損益計算書分析: analysis of income statement