- suffer health hazards from cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones]
携帯電話で: on the mobile
被害を受ける: 被害を受ける ひがいをうける to be damaged to receive damage
風評被害を受ける: be hit hard by rumors
携帯電話での取引: trading through [using, with] one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)]
携帯電話で話す: 1. speak by cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] 2. talk on someone's portable phone
携帯電話で急用の電話をかける: make urgent calls on one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)]
人に健康被害をもたらす: cause damage to human health
健康被害を回避する: prevent health hazards caused by〔~による〕
健康被害を生じさせる: lead to the spread of ill health
ひどい被害を受ける: be hard hit
台風で被害を受ける: suffer damage from the typhoon
地雷事故で被害を受ける: be affected by land-mine accidents
多大な被害を受ける: suffer enormous damage
戦争で被害を受ける: be damaged by war
深刻な被害を受ける: suffer serious damage